SBA Publication

Faculty Research PublicationsÂ

S.NoFaculty NameTilte of the PaperJournal NameYearIndexingImpact FactorLink of the paper
1Dr. Amit GuptaInvestors Perception on Tax Saving Mutual Funds in HaryanaSwadeshi Research Foundation A Monthly Journal of Multidisciplinary Research2023ISRS5.2Â
2Dr. Gayatri ChopraOCD: On-Demand Ordering Food Through Online CrowdsourcingIntelligent sustainable SystemsJanuary, 2023Springer, ScopusPart of the Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS,volume 579)


3Neha GargAn Empirical Analysis on Facilitators and Inhibitors of Bankers’ Intention to Use Artificial Intelligence Applications in Delhi/NCR

International Management Review

ISSN 1551-6849

2023UGC Care listed Vol. 19, No. 2, 2023Â


4Neha GargAnalysis of Financial Performance Pre and Post Use of Artificial Intelligence Applications Via CAMELS Lens: With Special Reference to HDFC BankInternational Journal of Intelligent systems and applications in engineering
IJISAE, 2024, 12(5s), 324–337
2023Scopus indexedÂ






 Faculty NamePaper TitleISSN/ ISBN No.VolIssuePage No.Journal Name/ Book NameSCI/SCIESCOPUSRemarks
Prof. Sundram PriyadarshnieModern Psycho-Social Face of Indian Families: The Counselor’s Perspective978-606-37-1142-8ÂÂ31-41Contemporary Family challenges:Psycho Social Perspectives In Romania and IndiaÂÂBook Chapter
Dr. Mamta GuptaRetailer’s ordering policies for time-varying deteriorating items with partial backlogging and permissible delay in payments in a two-warehouse environment.ISSN: 0254-5330.2951139-161Annals of Operations Research, SpringerSCIE IndexedÂÂ
Dr. Gayatri Chopra“Consumers’ Intention towards Green FMCG Products and their purchase behaviour in Delhi Region”ISSN: 1671-45125031-8Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology UGC CareYesÂ
Dr. Amit GuptaAnalysis of Saving and Investment pattern of Salaried Persons in Karnal district of Haryana, IndiaISBN No: 978-93-92288-54-81121-26Anveshak Demystifying Contemporary Business Scenarios A Collection of Research Papers, Articles & CasesÂÂChapter in a book
Dr. Amit GuptaA Case Study on Core Operational Banking of Indian Commercial BanksISSN:2707-25843511-13Global Academic Journal of Economics and BusinessGoogle ScholarÂÂ
Dr. Amit GuptaA Study of Investor’s Perception towards Risk in Mutual Fund InvestmentISSN 2415-66715164-69Saudi Journal of Business and Management StudiesÂÂÂ
Dr. Mani ManjariA Role of Micro Finance in the growth & Development of business in India- A Case Study during COVID eraISSN 0005-0601XIVII166-178Aut Aut Research JournalÂÂÂ
Ms. Aarti HaswaniMicrofinance and socio-cultural and familial empowerment: a study with special reference to women participants of self-help groups in delhi and haryana ISSN 2250 – 19911061-3Paripex – Indian journal of researchÂÂÂÂ
Ms. Aarti Haswani Impact of Microfinance: Does Economic Well-Being leads to Economic EmpowermentISSN 0974-209314 & 151 & 2ÂMERI Journal of EducationÂÂÂÂ
Ms. Aarti HaswaniAnalysis of Growth of Microfinance Sector in IndiaISSN 2454-84215299-103“Bodh”, BPIT’s International Journal of Technology & ManagementÂÂÂ
Ms. Aarti HaswaniA Literature Review on Factors Affecting the Intentions to Buy Health FoodISSN 2454-842152138-147“Bodh”, BPIT’s International Journal of Technology & ManagementÂÂÂ
Ms. Ritu BajajAnalysis of Growth of Microfinance Sector in IndiaISSN 2454-84215299-103“Bodh”, BPIT’s International Journal of Technology & ManagementÂÂÂ
Ms. Ritu BajajA Literature Review on Factors Affecting the Intentions to Buy Health FoodISSN 2454-842152138-147“Bodh”, BPIT’s International Journal of Technology & ManagementÂÂÂ